Sunday, September 19, 2010

Avast Me Hearties!

Today, September 19th, is the International Talk Like a Pirate Day! I saw this on my facebook page, from a post by Emily Bryan and I just had to share. I am a huge fan of Pirate romances and the movies, Johnny Depp is one of my favorite actors because of The Pirates of the Carribbean series. Here are a few of my favorite Pirate lines, they can be found on Emily Bryan's facebook page and the official website for Internation Talk Like a Pirate Day. 1). Wanna shiver me timbers? 2). That's some treasure chest! 3). Me mother warned me about sailing men. Wouldn't want to make the poor old dear a liar, would ye? 4). Wanna come up to my place? I just had me mattress deloused. Pirate Joke: A little boy is trick or treating on Halloween by himself. He is dressed as a pirate. At one house a friendly man asks him, "where are your buccaneers?" The little boy responds, "on either side o' me 'buccan' head!" What are your favorite pirate pick-up lines, jokes, sayings, etc? Do you think pirates is a favorite in romance stories? If so, what do you like about them? If you don't like pirates in romance, why not? Writers, is pirates something you fantasize writing about? Maybe you've already wrote about your pirate. If so, share your ideas with us. If you have a pirate romance out and want the cover, blurb, buy links, and excerpts featured on this site, please contact me.


  1. Good morning from Australia.
    I love pirate stories. The actor Erol Flynn used to play them so well. I think I fell in love with him when I was about ten years old.
    Jonny Depp can park his shoes under my bed any time he wants.


  2. Yes, Johnny Depp is so sexy!! Especially dress up as a pirate!
